
Welcome! I’m a Catholic priest with the Paulist Fathers serving at St. Austin’s parish in Austin, TX.

Celebrating the Sacraments

My greatest privilege in life is to accompany people with the grace of the Sacraments. My primary focus during these first few years of my priesthood is exploring how best to preach and reverently celebrate the mysteries of the Sacraments.

Ministerio en Español

Soy de una familia bicultural y he trabajado mucho en ministerio hispano. Aunque no tenemos Misa en español aquí en mi parroquia, grabo un video sobre las escrituras todas las semanas para mi familia en Colombia y feligreses en Austin. 

The Paulist Perspective

I belong to the first order of priests founded in the United States. The Paulist Fathers serve in parishes coast-to-coast, and we a national-wide perspective to our ministry in dialogue with American culture.


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